Thursday, 13 March 2014

Appreciation comes in many forms

So in the craziness of my life lately I wrote this post to publish on Thursday and completely forgot to publish it. However it still so completely applies. 
So here on an amazing Sunday after a great weekend with my handsome hubby is my Thankful Thursday post...

I am learning the more thankful I am, the happier I am, which in turns makes me more thankful, which in turns makes me happier, which in turn... You can see the pattern here. :)

So although this week isn't exactly how I would have planned it, I know I need to remember to enjoy what I do have.

I have an incredibly beautiful daughter inside and out. Whom just turn 16 yesterday. Her dad was home with us which is a gift all in itself and her and I were able to spend a good chunk of the day together just us, laughing, bonding, and SHOPPING! lol The best part is that she choose to still attend youth group in the evening. LOVE IT!!

I am thankful that the weather has been amazing and I have been getting out for walks. Sometimes my daughter joins me and sometimes I get my handsome hubby, but always I have this cutie pie to keep me company.

She cracks me up as she plays in the snow.

I am thankful that I am renewing my love for this space here in the cyber world. It may not be much but it is a place I am loving coming to and sharing my thoughts and day. Thank you so much for joining me here. Also remember I am always up for a visit. :)

I am thankful that I have a wonderful caring handsome hubby that works so hard for us. He always puts himself last and makes sure we know that we are loved. He is great at taking care of us. 

I am also so thankful for my bible study's. I love digging deeper into His Word and growing closer to Him.


  1. Such a great list :) That dog pic is priceless!!

    1. She just absolutely loves to be outside and play in the snow. Or in the case of the weather lately the mud. LOL
