Thursday, 26 April 2012

My three beautiful children

Today is Thankful Thursday.
All day today I knew exactly what I was going to write about.
I as always have a million things I could be thankful for. Such as the fact that I get to spend the weekend with my hubby before he has to leave for a month. Or the fact I have such great friends.
Today however I want to express just how thankful I am for my three beautiful children.

I have found out in the last 5 years that I have PCOS which is a much shortened version of something called, polysystic ovary syndrome. This more or less means that I do not ovulate. Or when I do it is very rare.
When I first started to get my period I was in grade 8. (Ironically the same as my daughter). Even when I first started menstruating I was not regular. I was never regular except when I was on the pill. It was always something I was concerned with but honestly sometimes ignorance is bliss.
When I met my hubby I obviously was not regular and would often wonder period to period if I was pregnant. Then one night I was rushed into the hospital with severe abdominal cramps. Turns out I has pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy.
Then a couple months later I got pregnant with our son whom was born exactly a year after I lost our first.
One year later I was pregnant again, this time my body absorbed the fetus and I had to have surgery again.
One year after that I gave birth to our second son 3 weeks premature.
Then 2 years later we knew that we wanted another child and were actively trying to get pregnant to no avail. Then I was lucky and got pregnant again. We were so happy. Then I woke up one morning with spotting. I was so scared. I told my sister and right away we prayed. She also started the prayer chain at our church. However later that evening I lost our 5th child.
18 months later after lost of trying, tons and tons of pregnancies tests, only 4 periods and tons of crazy feelings I went to the doctor that helped me out while I was losing our last baby. He was so wonderful. He told me that the reason people don't get pregnant is simple, either they have infertility issues (which considering I had already been pregnant 5 times they didn't think this was the issue. Little did they know. LOL) or it simply a mystery. He did however recommend that I go back on the pill for 3 months to try and regulate my period. I never took one pill. I never needed to, my the end of June I was pregnant again with our baby girl.
Now fast forward several years later like about 8 and I knew I wanted another child. However during the past 8 years many, many things in our life had changed, one being that I had my tubes tied. Now the simple solution to this is usually just un-tieing your tubes, for me not so much. Since I had already had an ectoptic pregnancy the chances of another one were VERY VERY high, so to the fertility doctor we went. There we learned in about 5 seconds that I had PCOS.
I am honestly considered a miracle as is my 3 beautiful children as I should never have been able to get pregnant once without assistance let alone 6 times.

So although this post is so wordy and I really hoped you stayed with me until the end because that is what I am so thankful for. My 3 beautiful babies.
They have blessed my life so incredibly much and I thank God continually for them.
My three crazy beautiful blessings taken this past Christmas morning.
I am linking up with Theresa and her Thankful Thursday.


  1. They are sweet blessings - such wonderful gifts!

  2. Thanks for your post! Reminds me again to be extra thankful that my little blessings even exist! So much could have come in the way of my getting pregnant in the first place!

    1. So very true Michelle. For many women becoming a mom the old fashioned way is not easy at all.

  3. What a beautiful post! Our children are truly precious gifts from God!

    1. Thank you Lisa!! They are wonderful gifts aren't they. :)

  4. Yeah I can relate to this one. Pregnancy was supposed to be very bad for me, but I was blessed with 2 textbook pregnancies and two healthy babies. Thanks for reminding me to stop and think about those blessings.

    1. That's fantastic Becca!! I am so happy it worked great for you!!!!!!

  5. thank you for sharing this story :)

    1. Your welcome Theresa! I've been feeling the need to share this story for awhile now.
