Saturday, 14 September 2013

I am not a writer

I am not a writer. 
Yep you read that right. 
I am unable to paint a picture with words. 
I believe ( and I say it this way as one never knows where The Lord is going to lead them), that I will never write a book. 
I will never be published. 
I never will have people lining up to buy my book. 
I love this blog. 
My "story" gets told by me exactly the way I talk. 
I often have tons of posts rambling around in my head at one time and then never post them. 
Typical me. 
I often read posts that very eloquently paint this picture just not my posts. 
I'm not writing this to complain. 
I am merely stating facts. 
I am Sherri. 
I am the daughter of the King. 
I have wonderful amazing parents. 
I am married to a fantastic guy that makes me appreciate him more every day. 
I have beautiful children. 

Now before you think my life is roses its not. 
Hubby and I have struggled in our marriage. There was times when we both forgot we needed to work at it. 
We have lost three beautiful babies. 
We have moved. A lot!!

My posts tend to reflect me and our life. 
I write about our triumphs. 
I write about our struggles. 
I write about our family. 

I write to release all these words and thoughts in my head. 
I will be honest. I never thought that anyone would ever follow me. 
I am so THRILLED that some do!! 

I've made some wonderful cyber friends that I honestly can hardly wait to meet even if it is not on this side of heaven. 

So even though I am not a writer I am so thankful for this blog and all of you who put up with my crazy style of telling my story. Thank you. 

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