Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Quick update

Hey you all, I just wanted to pop in and say HI!!
Things are actually going pretty good right now.
For the most part we are in a calm.
I attribute this all to God.
He is the one keeping us stable.
Otherwise I might be a little crazy.
The division that Rob is at is pretty much done as of Friday. He will go in one day next week for paperwork but that is it. We still don't know what we are doing. He is taking a few days holidays next week so we can try and figure it out.
He has been getting job offers left, right and center. It makes me so proud of him. He has worked so hard and done such a great job that people are jumping over themselves to find a place with them.
This also makes me so happy that God is laying such amazing groundwork for us. He truly is providing.
I am happy to know that no matter where HE leads us next it will be an amazing journey.

Well that's about all tonight. I just wanted to give you all that quick update. I decided for Lent that I am giving up sleep. In the morning for the next 20 days I will be getting up .5 hr earlier and the 20 days after that 1 hr earlier. I am hoping to use this time to dig deeper into the bible studies and spend time with HIM.

Soooo in saying that it is bedtime for me.
I am oneeeee tired Momma.


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