Wednesday, 11 December 2013

'Tis the season

I love this season. I love everything about it. The baking, the memories, the love, the lights, the fact that we are celebrating Jesus's birth. We usually have our tree up the last Sunday of November. I normally would have the house fully decorated. However this year this is what we are dealing with.

This is our life this season. We are moving. We finally bought our first house!! Unfortunately it is almost a 3 hour drive away. We get possession this Sunday!! Unfortunately that as you well know is 10 days before Christmas. So... like instead of decorating, baking and fully enjoying this time of year I'm packing. 

I'm living in a different kind of chaos this month. 
Now don't get me wrong I'm really very happy but also a little bit sad when I look around at all the lights and see all the pics of baking when instead my reality is:


Yet even through it all I'm learning some VERY valuable lessons. 

I'm learning to lean on Him. 
I can't do this without His strength. His peace, His grace. 
I'm learning to do without. A very good lesson on my part. 
I'm learning to let go. I have no control over this. I have no control over moving in the middle of winter when the temps have been hovering in the -20's and colder for over a week now. I have no control,over the fact that the forecast has lots of snow in it and is supposed to be snowing when we move. I have no control, but He does. 
No matter what happens He will see us through this. He will hold us each step of the way. 

So although this is not a 'normal' Christmas for us it is one I wouldn't trade for anything. 
I'm so thankful and so blessed. 

(Please ignore the poor quality of pics. They were taken on my iPad).


  1. wow... what a season you are walking through! and what Holiday memories you will have from this year! praying all goes well and rejoicing with you over a new home to enjoy! God Bless!!

    1. It is crazy, but a good kind of crazy you know? I also want you to know I'm praying for you as you are also in a huge transition.
