Monday, 30 December 2013

65 years

This past Saturday was my parents 65th wedding anniversary. 
As I sit and think about this I can't help but be in awe of what an accomplishment this is. 
This past year has been really hard but it wasn't the first of some really tough times for them. 
In their 65 years together they have had many ups and downs. 
6 children 21 1/5 years apart. Yep you read that right. I'm the baby and my oldest sister is not quite 22 years older than me. 
They buried both sets of their parents. 
They've lost numerous siblings. 
They farmed for 35 years. During some interesting times. 
They built a life together that although has been rocked numerous times has never been completely broken. 

They came from that era that if something breaks, fix it don't throw it away. 

The longevity of their marriage is something I aim for in mine. 
Being married is from from easy. It takes work, it takes commitment, it takes choices. 

I love that these two people, who although they may have faults made those choices, did that work and set an example for not only their children but also their grandchildren. 

So Mom and Dad thank you for showing me how to work at it. How to try and fix it, how to care enough to make those choices. 

I'm honored. 

Happy 65 years!!!!!

3 in 30 final update for 2013

What a crazy month December has been. 

Of course when I look back at it what a crazy year 2013 has been. 

We went from not sure where hubby would be working to moving and owning our very first home. 

As for this month 3 in 30... Well at least the month is almost done. Lol

1. Time with The Lord. 

As far as my personal time this went pretty well actually. There was a few days in the move that I missed that time and by the end of it I sure knew it. I was snappy, depressed, feeling really out of sorts. Then I sat down and caught up on my study and by the end of it I was a much better person. 

As far as the family I think I failed. We did have birthday cake on Christmas Day but it wasn't really met with fan fare. However I plan to keep this tradition. 

2. Making sure I'm somewhat organized. 

Well I started pretty organized and then things went nuts. The move has taken way longer than I anticipated. I thought maybe 4 days. Nope 8 days on the road with one more to go yet. At least by the end of tomorrow we will be done. Completely. 

3. Focus on being less stressed. 


I did pretty good until exactly a week after possession. I was snappy and irritable. As of that day I had spend every day but one on the road moving. I dug in my heals and we stopped for three days to have Christmas. 

Christmas itself went pretty good. I did my best not to stress over things I had no control over. So it was a pretty laid back day. My oldest made breakfast. All of the kids went out to play in the snow while I finished up supper. After supper we watched a movie while a bunch of them slept. Then we played games until about 1:30 in the morning. All in all it was a pretty great day. 

I'm so looking forward to all 2014 has to offer. 2013 taught me that with Jesus by my side I can handle anything. Although I know that this year is going to have its own set of challenges, aging parents, hubby's longer commute to work, new church, new friends, new community, unpacking, etc I just am so excited to find out where He is leading us to next. 

Monday, 16 December 2013

3 in 30 update

Well as predicted things are on the full swing crazy here.
Yesterday we got possession of the house so I spend 3hrs driving one way to get the keys and clean. It's honestly sad what a mess they left. They never even swept the floor let alone anything else. Then I drove back here to spend the night. Today I'm off doing the same thing.
The bad part about all of it is the terrible winter driving conditions. Yesterday I drove there in freezing rain and home in blowing, drifting snow. Praying the roads are better today and that we have good roads the day we are hauling everything up.

As for my 3 in 30... Well not to bad I guess.

1. Time with The Lord.
This is super important to me. I've been managing to stay up on my advent study so far. After tomorrow though I might fall a bit behind. Really praying I don't. I NEED that time with Him.
Sarah was in an amazing Christmas play and yesterday she asked me about making a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day. I've long thought about this but wasn't sure how to bring it in. This year we are going to attempt it. I'm loving her heart and her honesty.
If you can remember she would love some prayers. She is struggleing with the move. Both with her friends and with God. She just really needs to be covered in prayer.

2. Making sure I'm somewhat organized.
I'm not sure this is working. Lol. For the most part it's not bad. I have things lined up the best I can and am praying it all works out.

3. Focus on being less stressed.
This week is going to be crazy, insane, intense, busy, nuts. But it's a good kind of intensity. I'm exhausted and I've only got day 1 done, but I'm really so happy. I am really praying for no snow and good roads as well as no injuries. We have our middle son helping so that's gonna be awesome. Also looking forward to just being still for a bit. I'm trying hard not to think about all the stuff yet to do for Christmas. We are also getting a puppy this Friday. Yep gonna add to the funny farm. Lol

All in all life is amazing. Yep we are going through a crazy period but we are happy, healthy and together.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

'Tis the season

I love this season. I love everything about it. The baking, the memories, the love, the lights, the fact that we are celebrating Jesus's birth. We usually have our tree up the last Sunday of November. I normally would have the house fully decorated. However this year this is what we are dealing with.

This is our life this season. We are moving. We finally bought our first house!! Unfortunately it is almost a 3 hour drive away. We get possession this Sunday!! Unfortunately that as you well know is 10 days before Christmas. So... like instead of decorating, baking and fully enjoying this time of year I'm packing. 

I'm living in a different kind of chaos this month. 
Now don't get me wrong I'm really very happy but also a little bit sad when I look around at all the lights and see all the pics of baking when instead my reality is:


Yet even through it all I'm learning some VERY valuable lessons. 

I'm learning to lean on Him. 
I can't do this without His strength. His peace, His grace. 
I'm learning to do without. A very good lesson on my part. 
I'm learning to let go. I have no control over this. I have no control over moving in the middle of winter when the temps have been hovering in the -20's and colder for over a week now. I have no control,over the fact that the forecast has lots of snow in it and is supposed to be snowing when we move. I have no control, but He does. 
No matter what happens He will see us through this. He will hold us each step of the way. 

So although this is not a 'normal' Christmas for us it is one I wouldn't trade for anything. 
I'm so thankful and so blessed. 

(Please ignore the poor quality of pics. They were taken on my iPad).

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

3 in 30 December goals

December 2013 goals

Yes I'm aware we are already a little over a week into the month but I decided I needed to set some goals anyway. 

1. Time with The Lord. 

I want to set some personal time aside every day so the advent study is working for that. I also want to really work on keeping Him foremost in our lives this season. My oldest is not a believer and my middle wavers so it could be a bit interesting. Praying groundwork will be laid. 

2. Making sure I'm somewhat organized. 

I've set up a binder with our bills as well as a house binder and information on the move binder. I'm making daily lists and I would like to try and ignore the preparations of Christmas until after we move. 

Lol which brings me to the next goal. 

3. Focus on being less stressed. 

This is hard but I'm oh so thankful for the opportunity to be able to do this.  I have so much confidence in the fact that this is exactly where The Lord is leading us. (Even if it freaks me out sometimes). 

We decided to take a break from home schooling. So we are done now until after the New Year. 

We move a week from tomorrow if all things work the way they are supposed to. Lol

Parts of me wish we had another month here and parts of me wish it was all done. I'm not good with living in this chaos. 

I'm praying that I remember that even though this is gonna be crazy I do not take it out on family members and friends.