Thursday, 28 July 2011

Parade, Kids day and 3 in 30

Wow what a day. Get us rush around like a mad person cleaning the fridge and taking the garbage to the curb, then quick shower, then hurry get ready and head out the door to take my girlie to town so she can be in the parade. Can you say slept in? Oops. Well in my defense I just couldn't sleep last night. Lots of tossing and turning not to mention as I said it was 1 before I even got to bed. So Oops again.

However...I got to see my baby in the parade again. This is such a cool experiance getting to see her do that. I waited and waited and then pow she was in front of me and then vroom she was gone. Oh well there is always next year and I did manage to take some pics. :)

On another great note I met with the homeschool register and we are off to town tomorrow again so Sarah can meet with her and we can possibly get her signed up and started. I am so excited about that. I think Sarah has her moments but I believe that there is more good moments than bad ones so I am happy about it.

Then I was reading some blogs today and I stumbed across Lynnette from and she talked about having a kids day, and I thought what a fantastic idea. I mean we do lots of fun stuff with our children but not ever an entire day just devoted to them so I am going to talk to Rob and see if we can do this come fall. I think once things settle down again it would be a great opportunity to get together and just celebrate them and their lifes. I have 3 blessings here on earth and 3 in heaven waiting for me to mother them when I get there. But for now I want to be the best Mom I can be for my beautiful ones here. So thank you Lynnette for the fantastic idea.

Plus in my blog reading journeys I have come accross the 3 in 30 and I really want to try that for August so now I just have to decide exactly what my first 3 are going to be. I hope to do this every month. Small baby steps first. I know one for sure is going to be about me being more open with my faith and try and let God lead me without me thinking I might know better. So stay tuned.

Well that is all for now, I came closer to finishing my laundry today but not quite so have to finish that off tomorrow but a few more tidying up. So until then.

Night Night.

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