Saturday, 19 April 2014

Reflecting on the most world changing 3 days ever

I've been doing this bible study called The Story of Easter.
Yesterday I was asked to meditate on what 'broken and poured out' looks like. 
They used the communion... His body broken for us and His blood poured out for us. 
So what does it look like/mean for us to be this way???

As I was thinking about it I was wondering what does that look like? How can I be this way so that I may give glory to Him? 

I even posted it on my Facebook page asking for some input in what it looked like. 
My friend/fellow blogger Carla tweeted me this "the word 'surrendered' comes to mind".
Man I love that lady!!! 
I love that look on it. 

Then I started thinking about my take on it during my prayer. 
This is one line in my prayer last night...
"Lord help me, show me, use me, mould me, strengthen me, break me. All for You Lord"

As I reflected more on that I realized I need to be broken.
I need to be humbled. 
I need to let go and give it ALL up. 
ALL my control. 
ALL my weakness. 
In order to give Him ANYTHING. 
I'm nothing if I still try to hold on to control. 

I need to let go of ALL things in order for Him to be EVERYTHING!! 
As Carla worded it I need to be surrendered. 

So today as I reflect on just exactly all that Jesus gave up for me I realize just exactly what I NEED to give up for Him. After all He gave me His Life!!!!!!!