Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Becoming a Mom

With Mother's Day this past Sunday I have been doing a lot of thinking not only on my own Mom but also on being a Mom.
23 years ago I celebrated Mother's Day for the first time. My handsome hubby and I had given birth to a beautiful baby boy 7 months before that and I was thrilled (although extremely exhausted and slightly stressed) to be his momma.

You see, I didn't become a mommy the way I thought I was going to. It didn't quite happen as planned. I met Rob (aka my handsome hubby) in March of 1990. We hit it off pretty much immediately and soon became inseparable. Two months later he moved 6+ hours away for work. We stayed in touch via phone calls (no cell phones WAY back then. LOL). We continued to grow closer and about 6 weeks later he proposed. I accepted. :) 6 weeks later I moved in with him.
Yep not quite what I had thought I would do growing up. I had assumed that I would remain 'pure' until after marriage. You know first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Sherri pushing a baby carriage. ha
Well it did kind of work that way but in a MUCH faster version.
In January I became pregnant with our son and our wedding plans sped WAY up. We were married May of 1991.
Our boy arrived in October of that same year.
That first year was crazy. Then I became pregnant with son #2 and crazy got amped up.
Five years later our beautiful daughter was born and I was a Mom to three busy young ones.

Now fast forward many many years. Our oldest is 22, our second is 20 and our baby just turned 16.
We have gone through so many seasons in life.

This past week it was said to me that it I basically thought it was a mistake that I became a Mom the way I did. You know since he was conceived out of marriage. Oh and I was 19. I actually was shocked. I never once ever did I think it was a mistake.

Now I will quickly put this out there. I do not recommend this way of doing things to anyone. And in fact praying that my children will take a different path than we did.
However I love our 3 crazy, challenging, beautiful, talented, frustrating, complex children VERY VERY much.

I am also so thankful and grateful for a God that forgives.
That forgave me for sinning this way.
That has given me forgiveness.
That has shown me grace.
That has loved on me, my handsome hubby and our 3 kiddos so much.
That has been there when things were so rough I didn't know how I was going to put one foot in front of the other.
That has been there when my boys graduated high school.
That has been there through sickness, through dis pare, through joy, through tears, through toddler years, through teenage years.
Who has never left my side.
Who has helped my and my handsome hubby be the parents we are.

I am weak.

So although I would never in my wildest dream thought I would become a parent this way I am just so thankful that I am blessed with these kiddos who call me Mom!!
(At least when they want something. LOL)

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